tree of life

tree of life

tisdag 12 juli 2016


Dressed up as secretary Baccalareus in the theaterplay "Brother Kilian". On the Island of Kökar in the archipelago of Åland. In the second play, sunday 3 of july, I made some misstakes, but all went ok. "shit happens". Thanks all the players for the good job!

 Theatre "Brother Kilian" in the archipelago of Kökar in the Church of St. Anna. We all the players did it, a very well job in the first play, saturday 2 of july 2016. I play the secretary Baccalaraeus, Bishop of Åbos secretary. Thanks a lot!

A lot of Culture goes on, in the small Island of Kökar, with only 250 people living at the Island!

 I remember what I did see in Mexico and South Americas. The religion in the name of Christ-Jesus Christ, the priests, the missionarys, the monks, the western kings and the Companys of middle age, killed miljons of native people, the Indians! Stealing gold, destroyed temples, and tortyred the nativ people in the name of Jesus Christ! During this time the people of Kökar didnt know anything what was going on, in the year of 1492 and later on!

This book takes up what happens in Americas during the big occupation of the religion in the name of Christ!

Tortyre -chamber to change the native peoples mind! In the city of Cartagena, Colombia! Casa de Inkvisation of the religion, Chritianity! 

måndag 30 maj 2016


The high administrative court of Finland judge the municipal executive board of Åland-Finland, to pay back money (to Bernt Balkh), they had stolen by a wrong charge. The Municipal executive board of Åland had formed a environment company called "Åland environment service". This company had invoicing (charge) the people at Åland in the wrong way. The company supposed to clean up the landskape from rubbish, junk and trash, but anyway they didnt do it at Balkhs place at all. So infact, the company charge Balkh for his living as a ecosystem service man.

That was wrong-charge!