tree of life

tree of life

onsdag 24 januari 2018

THE Banda Neira islands, Moluckerna, Indonesisa

The blue house, at island of Run! 
Foto b. Balkh
The treaty of Breda
R. Wallace, the evolution gigant, friends with
C. Darwin
Journeu, from Banda Neira to Surabaya,
with Pelni shop!
Walking in the path of Run! 

måndag 22 januari 2018

LIMANJAWi ART HOUSE BOROBUDUR JAVA foto b. balkh & a. kivisaari

The director and artist, Umar Chusaeni,
Limanjawi art house
Limanjawi art house
Lotus seedcapsul and Harley Davidson,
Limanjawi art house, Borobudur!
Art, Limanjawi art house!
Art, Limanjawi art house!
Art, Limanjawi art house!
Art, Van Gogh,
Limanjawi art house!
Art, Island of life!
Limanjawi art house!
A talk, with the director
And the artist,
Umar Chusaeni!

tisdag 16 januari 2018

In the birdpark, Yogyakarta, Braminglada

Balkh dreamed to fish with that bird!

In the birdpark

In the reptilepark, Yogyakarta, Albino-blood python

Beautiful python, in the wild at Borneo!

The nomad with Wings! Draw b. balkh

Lions at Masai Mara! Draw b. balkh

The astronom in the anthropocen epoc!